Friday, August 18, 2006


Today same, went to school at 9.30 for CPA Prelim and ends at 11. Quite hard, but still manage to finish it in time. Today going to buy new phone. Yay! Love my mom. <3

Went to see Whitney's blog just now. I shed a tear when i saw she wrote a little note for me. I really did shed a tear. At first, i din't realised that she's writing to me, thought she writing about other people and i happen to see my name.

Whitney, i really regret last time didn't treasure much about our sistership. I put you into so much torments that you going through last time. Because of my stupidness for a boy, i led you into such a sadness and pain road. I shouldn't had let go of such a nice friend to a guy i shouldn't had. Sister for 4 years, i still chosen the guy. It was all my stupidness. Let bygones be bygones. Sorry for causing you so much pain. I know you do still feel upset over some thing which i should know when i reading through your blog. You can always find and talk to me. You lent me once your listening ear, i can lend you mine too. I'll always be there for you bestie. I can see you startng to overcome all your sadness and grown to smile often. I know sometimes you in school is just acting to be happy. Sometimes i'm like that too. But i'm not feeling good myself. Because of some relationship problem. I wants you to be like last time Whitney. Joyful and Cheerful alright. You look much prettier when you put on a smile.(: We can overcome this together. I'll always be there for you, even if you don't, i will still always be there. Loved.

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