Monday, April 28, 2008

Sup sup!

I'm currently at work now. Hurhurhur..

Firstly, I would like to wish Andy, a Happy 21st Birthday over here once again. Although, it's belated now, still it's the thought that counts. :)

Celebrated his birthday on the Saturday, 26th April 2008 at Cine Kbox. Guess i'm alittle suaku? Lol. I don't even know that there's actually a room with pool table. All i can said is, I had so much fun & laughters throughout the night with the Cliques.


TADAHH! Here comes all the OVERDUE peektures! Anyway, these peektures are not arrange according to dates. So yeah, just randomly uploaded them. ^^

Darling read this, if you happen to drop-by my blog, get me this Melody puhlease?! :(

Searched for it high & low. Finally, managed to see it leh leh leh!

Whitney bought this Burberry scarf from her Japan trip for me. Thanks, bestie. Y

I LYve My Boyfriend! :D

My lovely Deder Y

Shirley Jie Y

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