Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Everything ended well.
I'm sick and tired of trying to salvage this..
Ended up, i gained nothing but hurt.
I tried to give you the best that i can but nothing that I do, is felt by you.
Sometimes i'm wondering which word that you said is true, or just for the sake of saying to please me?
What had i done wrong that am deserving all this shit?
Why did you had to make my life miserable times & times again? Had you ever tried putting yourself in my shoes and spared a thought for me?
I thought i could forget about you when times goes by but i was so wrong. All i could blame myself for being naive, stupid, softhearted..
I had been keeping myself busy, so i wouldn't have that
empty space for me to let my thoughts run wild..

"What's the point in ever trying to be happy when the very pursuit of happiness is what makes you miserable."


vialentino said...

hi star....thanks..will add u into my blogroll....ur name really called Star?

vialentino said...

hey star...very unique and nice name time name my kid Moon .... nice name too....