Today's lesson is so so long. From 8am to 5pm. First lesson, i'm already 20mins late. After then, skipped p.e class as i don't have p.e shirt and pants. Lol. Went to look for Justin and wei xian. 12+ break, walked to technology block, waited at wei xian's classroom outside. We three went for a puff in that Handicap toilet! Okay, neverminds. After finishing, Wei xian walked out and turned to the right, Justin and Me kena caught by teacher. Lols. He saw us walking out together from the handicap toilet. And he asked, why are you both doing in the toilet?! I was like answering, saying i'm at the toilet combing hair. Hahas! Justin don't know what to say and he just anyhow bomb say he borrow my comb! zzz. Teacher thought we might do something not right? LOL. But we din't. Hahas. In the end, he just lecture abit lahs. Say this is not apprioriate to do in school. Blah blah blah. lols. Okays. After then, went for our lunch. I'm like so hungry. Hahas. had chicken rice as i've not much time to eat cause it's going to 1pm. So ate abit. The food over there sucks to the max. Forget about that.
Back to the story. LOL. Having PIE lesson at 4pm, on the 5th storey. The lift was always pack with students and i've to climb all the way from 1st storey to 5th storey. When i reached 5th storey, i'm like short of breath. Zzz. Tiring like hell. Goodness gracious. Nevermind about it again. Alright, while on the way to class, one of my classmate pointed at me to his friends. But didn't know what he was saying. So i quickly walked to another side. In the end, they followed. I sat at the so called bench. He keep saying xiao jie, xiao jie. After that i walked quickly back to the classroom, he chased lah, said xiao jie, can take your number? in "chinese lang". I ignored and quickly walked in the classroom. Suddenly one of my another classmate said to the teacher, looks who's outside? It was the two guy. In the end, my teacher asked them come in and sit. I was like Omg. They just sat next to my group's table. And he even wave and say hello to me. I quickly turn away. So scary luhs. Luckily, my classmate say don't play already, so du lan liaos. Hahas. They're so beng-ish~ After lesson, went take cab straight home as i'm really tired. Anyway, going to sleep now. Freaking tiredddd~
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