Monday, November 26, 2007

Alright, here I am blogging now but I'm still very lazy to blog. Heh. That's why my blog is lack of updates now.
Anyway, won't be stating down all in details. I shall just post up those peektures & captions for each peektures.

First time I'm having such a big patch of BLUEBLACK on my hand. It's painful okay. Tsktsk.
You won't want to know why I've such a big patch of blueblack.

This was on the very first day I'd got this.

Followed by, the second day, it became like this. Swollen & the blueblack spread bigger.

Isn't it Scary?
Very big patch right?

Okokokay, Stop looking at those bruises before you guys puke or start to say "Ewww, so disgusting." Lol. Sobsob, my hand is really in pain. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Gently touch it also hurts. I guess it will take quite some time to heal.

Later on, I'll be attending my Cousin's Wedding! So so so, I'll update again after I'm back or the next day alright.

Goodbye! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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